Friday, January 31, 2014

Composition with Brushes

In creating this picture i used many multiple techniques to create this, i was familiar with direct selection tool so it was easy for me to accurately select this After that I put in the background and brushed on a turquoise tint to it. I opened a picture of an aura  and cut out the light part and changed saturation to make it blue. I then used a slightly red brush and added color in the sky and used the lasso selection tool to make a triangle slightly below his shoulders to dim the light out. After that I cut out a triangle and changed the saturation and hue to a red and applied it to the picture. I then brushed on some snowflakes and then added some flares on the side by painting it a dark brown then changing the blending mode to color dodge. I then dimmed down the star image with a soft white brush then changed the layer blending mode to screen. My final touch was adding a tint over it all to make it look colder so I used a gradient and a change in levels and then changed it to soft light blending mode. In the making of this art i used 18 layers.

This was the aurora lights that is on the left side of my dude.

This was my background i chose.

This is the stary picture i desaturated and blended into the background using soft light. to create a starry picture.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Refine Edge Tool

I used the quick selection tool and the refine edge tool to create this cut out of the woman. I learned how to use the refine edge tool to eliminate unnecessary space that is between hairs when you select an image. I will definitely use this tool in the future for more tricky selections. I then placed her into a zombie apocalypse because she looks very serious and confident. I assume the zombies do not like how her hair gets in their face which means they will bite her.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Asylum Silhouette

I struggled most with the inital steps of deselecting the channels because i had confusion about which ones to select and which ones to reselect. The easiest technique would have to be the hue and saturation effect making the whole scene tinted blue. I enjoyed making this because of how cool the aesthetics are.

Inner Me

My shadow is a wolf. I created this composition by using selection tools and bringing different pictures into one background which is the sidewalk. For myself I used the quick selection tool and the magic wand tool for the wolf. Once they were in the background I selected the wolf and locked the transparent pixels on the layer and filled him with black. After that I changed the opacity to 50% to reduce how heavy the black was. I then connected the two images with the brush tool to draw lines and reduce the opacity on them. My last step was adding the text and I choose the certain font because it is a very casual kind of urban text you would see on the street that is very nonchalant.

Displacement map

For this displacement map i used the name emme because that is the first four letters of my real name and i thought it would be more asthetically appealing than my entire name. Also my displacement map was very low quality for some reason...

Shadow Dancing

I changed the foreground to black, and then deleted the other girl to make the shadow. I used opacity and blur to make it look more like a shadow. Finally I used a brush to make the connection between her and her shadow.

Transform and De-saturating with Photoshop

I desaturated and used transform tools to manipulate this really cool picture of a wolf.


This is veggie le vegetarian