Friday, January 31, 2014

Composition with Brushes

In creating this picture i used many multiple techniques to create this, i was familiar with direct selection tool so it was easy for me to accurately select this After that I put in the background and brushed on a turquoise tint to it. I opened a picture of an aura  and cut out the light part and changed saturation to make it blue. I then used a slightly red brush and added color in the sky and used the lasso selection tool to make a triangle slightly below his shoulders to dim the light out. After that I cut out a triangle and changed the saturation and hue to a red and applied it to the picture. I then brushed on some snowflakes and then added some flares on the side by painting it a dark brown then changing the blending mode to color dodge. I then dimmed down the star image with a soft white brush then changed the layer blending mode to screen. My final touch was adding a tint over it all to make it look colder so I used a gradient and a change in levels and then changed it to soft light blending mode. In the making of this art i used 18 layers.

This was the aurora lights that is on the left side of my dude.

This was my background i chose.

This is the stary picture i desaturated and blended into the background using soft light. to create a starry picture.

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